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Where has blogger Kay been?

I am safe and sound in my home, and I trust that this post finds you in favorable circumstances as well. Who would have thought back in March I would run out of interest in keeping up the blog. It was just getting underway well, too.

International travel. Stateside trips. Those have been furthest from my mind since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States. Like the rest of you who have itchy feet, I had to click my heels and call it quits for the time being. At least, I canceled my 2020 travel plans and switched them to 2021.

Oh, I could have done wishful thinking pieces and memories. I had no desire. I blocked travel out of my mind for my mental health and went on to other pursuits. I studied the wines of France and Italy and practiced with sampling, thank you very much.

I wrote many a short funny piece from Mama Kay, which you will find elsewhere on my website. Each one went over HUGE on Facebook, and I am saving them here as a chronicle of my pandemic months.

I took a writing course on flash non-fiction, and a few of the pieces are on the website. Others are out shopping for publication elsewhere.

My contacts with meetings and webinars were virtual experiences. Even my cat caught on fast and hopped into yoga practices and Zoom cocktail hours. My sneakers took me on local travels up and down country roads, and my appreciation for my surroundings increased tenfold.

What's this picture of two dogs that I met on my past travels to Portugal have to do with my writing here? Simply, animals, including people, are social and curious beings. We'll figure out this travel business sooner than later.

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